Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Lodge Details

Next Meeting

Friday, April 4, 2025 at 8pm

Stated Communication

First Monday of every month
Dinner is at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm

Master of the Lodge

W. Bro. Brannon Cole

Mailing Address

PO Box 6517
North Augusta, SC 29861-6517

Location (Map)

499 Brookside Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841


Greetings From The East   May 27, 2010


As most of you know by now we had a successful Spring Barbeque.  All of the hard work was very much appreciated.

We all need to come out and support the past Masters as they put on a Masters degree May 28, so mark your calendar.

See you all at the next regular meeting June 4.

Fraternally yours,
John Bridwell, W.M.

Greetings From The South   May 27, 2010


We have had superb attendance at our degree work this year.  It’s great to see everyone coming out to support the candidates and the lodge.  It’s also been great to sit in lodge with some of the “older” members.  Please come back often—we need your wisdom and experience! 
I’d like to close with an excerpt from a little book I’m reading called, “5-15 Minute Talks” by Elbert Bede, P.M., 33°.  This is from a chapter called “What Did You Expect of Freemasonry?

Greetings From The East   March 17, 2010


There are a few things that I want to remind you of for the coming months.

We will have a fellowcraft degree Friday, March 19th . Come out and support Brother Bill Driver as he confers his first fellowcraft degree.

Clean-up Saturday will be April 3. We will begin at 8:00 am.

Our spring barbeque will be Saturday, April 17. Your help is always appreciated.

Grand Lodge will be held Thursday and Friday, April 22-23.

We also have two petitions for EA degrees.

Fraternally yours,
John Bridwell, W.M

Greetings From The South   March 17, 2010


We had a great turnout for the EA degree on 1-22-10. Please join me in welcoming our new EA’S, Taylor Strickland, David Lykins, and Lloyd Mullinax.

I’d like to thank the WM for allowing me to confer this degree. It was my first time and it was an honor to do it. I’d also like to thank the officers for the good work and patience as we all learned during practices. Also thank you to Brother Leo Eubanks for his usual excellent lecture.

Finally, to all who showed up to welcome these 3 into Masonry.

6th Masonic District Inspirational   January 30, 2010

September 23rd is the 6th Masonic district Inspirational. This will be at the Aiken Shrine Club at 7 PM.  Jay Adam Pearson, Deputy Grand Master will be the speaker.  This is open to all Mason's and their Non-Mason families and friends, and is free!  Great meal and great speaker!