Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Lodge Details

Next Meeting

Friday, April 4, 2025 at 8pm

Stated Communication

First Monday of every month
Dinner is at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm

Master of the Lodge

W. Bro. Brannon Cole

Mailing Address

PO Box 6517
North Augusta, SC 29861-6517

Location (Map)

499 Brookside Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841


Greetings from the East   January 26, 2010


First I want to think all for allowing me the privilege to serve this year as Master of Acacia Lodge.

There are many things to accomplish during the year and that means I will need much help. I know that together we can serve to better our lodge. That being said, I need to know the thoughts and concerns of each of you. I have included my phone numbers and e-mail address as well as my home address [in the sprig]. Let me hear from you. Your suggestions are needed and wanted.

From the West   January 26, 2010


I would like to thank you for showing me your confidence by electing me as Senior Warden. I am honored to serve this lodge and will do my best to serve you my brethren. We have a good line of officers this year, and I encourage you to come and fellowship with us.

Sincerely & Fraternally,
William A. Driver, SW

From the South   January 26, 2010


I'd like to thank you for the confidence you have shown by electing me as your Junior Warden. I'm honored and will do my best to serve you.

We are starting 2010 off with a bang!! As shown on the Trestleboard, we have three candidates set to receive the EA° on Friday, January 22nd. Brethren, we can best demonstrate your love of masonry and our Brothers to these candidates by honoring them with your presence as they take this first step in Masonry. It will also be my first time in the East and I too would be honored with your presence.

From the Secretary   January 26, 2010

As a reminder, 2010 dues, of $65 were due December 21, 2009.

57 brothers of the 115 dues paying members have already sent their dues in. Thank you brothers for your alacrity.

Acacia Lodge BBQ April 17, 2010   August 23, 2009

Acacia Lodge will hold it's semi-annual BBQ on Saturday, April 17, 2010 from 11:00 am through 4:00pm.

There will be dine-in and take out. Ticket prices are $8.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door. Children's tickets are $6.00 (dining room only).

Tickets can be purchased in advance at Pink Dipper, North Augusta Tire and Auto, or Estate Jewelry; all in Downtown North Augusta.

See a map to the lodge.