Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Greetings from the East


By the time this reaches you, we will have installed the new officers for 2016. I look forward to watching those brothers performing their duties and growing as men. I have great confidence in them and feel that I am leaving our lodge in the very best hands we have.

I hope that you will have a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Let us not forget, in this busy season, the real reason for our celebrations. May you find peace and releief in your devotions to our Holy Creator. Enjoy time spent with friends and family and live each day as though it is your last. Say "I love you" to all of those you hold dear and don't let your last words be angry ones.

As I look back ont he past year, I want to thank all of my bothers who helped me get through it, and made it a joy to serve them as Master of our lodge. I would also like to thank our coaches for all their hard work and dedication. The list goes on and one

There are many faces and brothers who have been there every time the doors were open and I am grateful for their service to the lodge. They have mde it difficult to the extreme to make a decision on who to recognize as my Mason of the year. I wish that I could give it to all of them but there can be only one.

Thank you all for a great year.

Your humble servant,
Tom Hill, WM