Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Greetings from the East


I’d like to thank all the visitors, brothers, and officers for the wonderful turnout and participation at the last MM°. It is indeed good to see all of the young interest in Freemasonry continue the way it has.

In fact, we will soon have another EA° and there seems to be little sign of increasing membership slowing down. Keep doing whatever you’re doing to make Freemasonry attractive to the world at large, and keep being the good-men-made-better that inspires other men to seek admission into our beloved fraternity.

The Fall BBQ is coming up soon. I would ask that we all spread the word to make this a successful BBQ. Remember: presold tickets are what make a profitable BBQ. Also, many hands make light work, so please come out and support your lodge by volunteering for whatever work you can perform.

Finally brothers, I would like to lay out on the Trestle Board some designs for the rest of the year (and, if necessary, beyond). We are slowly losing attendance from brothers who have difficulty climbing the stairs to the lodge room. I would like for us to consider our options for removing this obstacle to those who would otherwise attend. I know this is no small effort, and cost is a concern, but the reward will be well worth it. So let us consider plans for this (chair lift, elevator, etc.) and the fundraising necessary to make this a reality. I see no good reason why a chair in the lodge room should remain empty when a brother has the desire to sit in it.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Tobby Hagler, WM