Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Greetings from the East


I hope that everyone is doing well after the ice storm that we’re moving on to better, warmer weather. We have good things and plenty of work ahead of us in the coming months.

We have our first EA° on Friday, March 21, conferred by Brother Kevin Morris. Come and support our new candidate into Freemasonry. This will be this man’s first introduction into our fraternity, so let’s come out in full force and make a good and lasting impression.

We also have the Spring Barbeque coming in just a few short weeks. We need your help to make this a success. Pit cleanup is around the corner (April 5), and we will need all the brothers pitching in at the BBQ (especially with take-out and cleanup afterwards).

Last month we had our first downstairs meeting of the year, and we had a good turnout. Our next downstairs meeting will be in July. If you or any brother you know doesn’t attend because of the stairs, this meeting is for you. I don’t want things like the stairs to prevent brothers from coming together in fellowship, so please spread the word.

I look forward to seeing you all again at our upcoming degree and regular communication. If you should need anything during the meantime, don’t hesitate to call.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Tobby Hagler, WM