Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Greetings from the East


It is indeed an honor to have been elected by you to serve this great lodge as Worshipful Master for 2014. I consider it an honor and a privilege to reside in the East and I welcome the duties and responsibilities that come with this station.

I look forward to the ensuing Masonic year. Already, we have a MM° set for Feb. 28, and have begun investigating new candidates for initiation. 2013 set a great precedent for the growth of our lodge. I pray that we are just as busy with work as we were last year.

To better serve the brothers, we will be holding several meetings downstairs in the dining hall. The first downstairs meeting of this year will be our next regular communication on March 7. If you speak to any brothers who normally can’t or don’t attend because the stairs may present a challenge, please let them know.

I also hope that this year will afford us endless opportunity for fellowship, food, and fun. Several of the brothers in our lodge have already proposed ideas for pancake breakfasts, family nights, and a lakeside picnic. Our sisters and brothers of Golden Glow, our Eastern Star Chapter, are looking forward to the chance to strengthen our bonds as a Masonic family and will reach out with events such as bowling and trivia nights. I would encourage any brother who has an idea for fellowship to bring it up and we can see it through together.

Finally brothers, know that I work to serve the lodge. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, concerns, thoughts, advice or ideas. I can also be contacted through the website at

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Tobby Hagler, WM